Portrait Tom Alex

Free workshop for young people with author Tom Alex

Thomas Roth-Berghofer writes young adult and all-ages novels under the pseudonym Tom Alex. He has loved books for as long as he can remember, because the first sentence of each book opens a portal into a new world. In the Vegesack district library he now offers one for young people who like to write and enjoy telling stories:

“In a two-hour workshop we want to look together at what makes a great story beginning. Since the workshop takes place in a library, we have a huge selection of books at our disposal. Maybe your favorite novel is there too? What makes starting a novel exciting? What goes into a successful story beginning? What not? We will take a closer look at these and other questions.  

But above all, we will write. Everyone should write the beginning of a story themselves. Predefined keywords provide clues. If you like, you are welcome to read out what you have written. All you need to bring is a writing pad, a pen and lots of fun telling stories.”

Anyone interested should contact the Stadtbibliothek Bremen for further information either in person, by telephone on 0421 361 7244 or by email: vegesack@stabi-hb.de

It starts as soon as at least four interested people have registered. We then look for a date that suits everyone involved.

September 11, 2023