
In 2015, the 2030 Agenda was adopted by the United Nations. The 17 sustainability goals contained therein are committed to social, economic and ecological sustainable development. Libraries can contribute to achieving all 17 goals. Borrowing media conserves resources, the media collection creates free access to media and information, and libraries contribute to education and equal opportunities with their events and programs to promote reading. The Stadtbibliothek Bremen also contributes to all 17 sustainability goals with its offerings and services.

Goal 1: No poverty

Discounts or free events for adults and children. What we contribute to fighting poverty.

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Goal 2: No hunger

Discover how we want to contribute, among other things, to maintaining diversity in food production.

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Goal 3: Health and well-being

Libraries are places to read, feel good and relax. In this way, we help to promote the well-being of visitors.

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Goal 4: Quality education

We ensure inclusive, equal and high-quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for everyone.

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Goal 5: Gender equality

Period products are unaffordable for some: so we offer a free offer in some locations.

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Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation

Public toilets are an important public service. We contribute to this at many locations.

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Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

In our libraries you can borrow energy saving packages and thus help ensure that energy is used more efficiently.

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Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

We support professional orientation with our various offers.

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Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

We support innovative developments through online offerings.


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