Textile selfies

»Selfies – Textile Self-Portraits«


Complex “selfies”, made by hand in textiles, allow the viewer to see the characters and self-images of the participants in “NEUEN WOLLE” (Quartier gGmbH). Women from different countries and cultures have been working in the Old Town Hall in Blumenthal for three years. Under the artistic direction of Luisa Recker and Aurelia Maria Foti, each of the women painstakingly designed their own self-portrait by hand, peppered with symbols that express their own image, character as well as their own wishes and ideas...

The “NEUE WOLLE” project by Quartier gGmbH Bremen is funded by the Senator for Labor, Social Affairs, Youth and Integration with funds from the state and the European Social Fund Plus.

Contact / Project management: Johanna Boehme, Blumenthal Town Hall, District Administrator-Christians-Straße 107, Tel. (0421) 67577730, for project description.

Where and when

October 11, 2023 to January 9, 2024
Central Library
Ring gallery on the 2nd floor

Free event
