A caricature of a band. You see a singer with an electric bass and a drummer

»Music meets literature: The Bremen Philharmonic & Jörg Isermeyer “The Brüllbande”«


Jörg Isermeyer reads excerpts from his book “Die Brüllbande”, in which Bastian tries to improve his pocket money as a street musician in order to fulfill a dream: the cool spaceship from the toy store. His friends are immediately there... stupid only if you're completely tone deaf!

Music: Eva Schneider (double bass) and Auste Ovsiukaite (viola) with works by Antonio Vivaldi, Astor Piazzolla and the Beatles.

For children aged 8 and over.

In cooperation with the Bremen Philharmonic Orchestra.

Free entry up to 18 years old. For adults €10 for the benefit of Stimme e.V. , an association for the promotion of educational work for people with disabilities and their relatives

Where and when

February 17, 2024 from 4:00 p.m
Central Library
Wall Hall (access outside via Am Wall)
Admission €10.00
Free entry up to 18 years old.
#adults #children #reading