Portrait: Marianne Klitzka

»Marianne Klitzka: East Prussia is far«


The Bremerhaven author Marianne Klitzka presents her debut novel “East Prussia is wide”, in which she deals with the touching story of her ancestors.
The story begins in 1937 in the tranquil fishing village of Neu-Passarge in East Prussia. The world still seems to be in order here for Josef and Rosa Rückwardt and their six children. But appearances are deceptive, because the war is already casting its shadow. The Rückwardt family soon finds themselves caught up in the vortex of war, which ultimately leads to the dissolution of their homeland.

The author traveled to the scene of the events, talked to those who remained, looked through letters and researched meticulously. “The questions about home, loss, family and the search for a new beginning are unfortunately more relevant than ever,” says Klitzka. “East Prussia is wide” is therefore not only a book about a bygone era, but also a reminder of how important it is to hear the stories of our ancestors and to learn from history.

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Where and when

May 8, 2024 from 5:00 p.m
Central Library
Crime library on the 2nd floor

Free event

#Adult #Reading