Photography by Grigory Pantiyelew.

»Jewish Conversations – Dr. Grigory Pantiyelew invites you to a conversation«


The 8th round of “Jewish Conversations” confronts us with the evil demons in Jewish understanding. It's about the opening scene of the Coen brothers' great film "A Serious Man" (2009). Is evil always external to man or part of human nature? How do I handle this? What does the Talmud say about this? How can one understand the film's story with the Dibbuk, the evil spirit of the dead in Jewish folk belief? What happens to us when we look at this scene?

Grigori Pantiyelew, born in Moscow in 1958, has a doctorate in musicology, conductor and journalist and has lived in Bremen since 1994. He is well known here as a musician and university professor. He has represented the Jewish community externally in various committees for decades. The idea for the “Jewish Conversations” format emerged from the exchange of ideas in the “Forum for the Promotion and Visibility of Jewish Life in Bremen”. As a moderator, Pantiyelew wants to reach everyone listening with humor but also seriousness and involve them in the common conversation.

The registration function will be activated shortly!

The 9th round of the “Jewish Conversations” will take place on Wednesday, October 23rd and invites you to read two Bremensias in parallel.

Cooperation: Jewish community in the state of Bremen

Where and when

August 28, 2024 from 5:00 p.m
Central Library
Crime library on the 2nd floor

Free event