Vegesack Library

»Green Saturday in the Vegesack library ... with family garbage collection and food sharing


An event as part of the Sustainability Action Days.

The focus of the Stadtbibliothek Bremen 's “Sustainability Action Week” this year is on the topic of “Democracy”.

Be there on “Green Saturday” in the Vegesack Library. Come along, learn something new and have fun together – we look forward to seeing you!

10 a.m. Green Picture Book Cinema
At our picture book cinema, picture books are projected large onto the wall so that all spectators, young and old, can experience the colorful illustrations up close. We will read you an exciting story that shows how important it is to protect our environment.

For children aged 4 and over

11 a.m. Family cleanup with Cleanupyour City eV
Together we will go through our district and clear it of garbage. You will learn in a playful way how important it is to protect our environment. And best of all, it's great fun to do something good together with friends and family! Come along, lend a hand and show that even small hands can make a big difference. Together we will ensure that our district becomes a more beautiful place! Equipment for collecting garbage is available on site.

In cooperation with Clean up your City eV

From 12 p.m. picnic and quiz with food sharing
An event where enjoyment and learning go hand in hand! The food rescuers from Foodsharing bring saved food such as cakes and fruit to the picnic, along with drinks. At our food sharing picnic you will learn how we can fight food waste together. Please bring your own picnic dishes or containers.

In cooperation with Foodsharing Bremen

Where and when

October 5th, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m

Free event

#family #get involved #sustainability