Portrait Melanie Garanin
Photo: private

“Family Pictures in Graphic Novels” A conversation with Melanie Garanin


Melanie Garanin's artistic exploration of family couldn't be more diverse: while in NILS she deals with the death of her youngest son and uses emotionally charged images to talk about family as a unit and source of strength, in Völlig meschugge?! Based on Andreas Steinhöfel's script, the diversity of families and the resulting conflicts are presented through dynamic drawings. As part of the workshop discussions, Melanie Garanin takes up scenes from both books, offers insights into her work processes and thereby opens up space for conversations with the audience.

Welcome: Carolin Graf, Stadtbibliothek Bremen
Moderation: Dr.
Elisabeth Hollerweger, Bremen Institute for Picture Book Research An event by the Bremen Institute for Picture Book Research at the University of Bremen in cooperation with the Rudolf Alexander Schröder Foundation.

Where and when

January 22, 2024 from 7:00 p.m
Central Library
Wall Hall

Free event

#Adult #Literary Week