“Letters against forgetting – Amnesty International informs about the human rights situation in Iran”


An information stand as part of the Sustainability Action Days.

As part of the “Sustainability Action Weeks” of the Stadtbibliothek Bremen , which this year focuses on the topic of “Democracy”, Amnesty International’s Bremen-Nord regional group is providing information about the human rights situation in Iran.

The information stand can be visited from September 18th to October 8th, 2024 in the Stadtbibliothek Bremen - Vegesack.

On September 16, 2022, Jina Mahsa Amini dies a violent death. She was arrested three days earlier in Tehran by the Iranian moral police on charges of not wearing her headscarf properly. Jina falls into a coma during her stay at the police station and dies shortly afterwards in a clinic. Her death triggers a wave of protests. Hundreds of thousands chant “Mrs. Life. Freedom.” on the streets of Iran. Women are at the forefront of the protests. Members of the LGBTI community, Kurds, Baloch, Sunnis, Afghans and other minorities who have been oppressed in the Islamic Republic for decades stand side by side. Even two years later the call “Mrs. Life. Freedom.” does not fall silent. Amnesty International has documented serious human rights violations by the Iranian authorities.

Information materials are available to take home and with “Letters Against Forgetting” visitors to the Stadtbibliothek can campaign for the release of political prisoners.

Where and when

September 18, 2024 from 11:00 a.m

Free event
