Ozobot mini robot

Hands-on science

Environmental protection, sustainability and climate change are important topics that often remain very abstract. Why is the climate changing? How can nature be protected? What is climate research? Children and young people can get to the bottom of at Explore Science in Bremen's Bürgerpark September 5th to 7th Numerous institutions here offer hands-on science.

What does the Stadtbibliothek offer?

With our mini robots “Ozobots” we are embarking on an expedition through the world of plastic. Only those who apply the right codes can overcome the various obstacles and traps and ultimately reach a plastic-stop agreement. Things get creative at the stop motion station , where children and young people can make their own little film with their thoughts, statements and questions on the subject of plastic. Plastic is examined under a digital microscope

We also provide information about our free participation activities for children and young people, which we offer all year round.

What is “Explore Science” anyway?

Since 2018, the Klaus Tschira Foundation has been organizing the scientific adventure days “Explore Science” in the Bürgerpark. All kindergartens, schools and families from Bremen and the surrounding area are invited to discover everything about the topic of “climate and environment” . The offering for kindergarten children, school classes and families ranges from an interactive exhibition to numerous hands-on activities, workshops and stage shows to experimental lectures and competitions.

Important information at a glance

Explore Science 2024
When: 5th-7th September
Opening hours: daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Bürgerpark Bremen
More information: https://www.explore-science.info/bremen/

August 27, 2024