Wooden cubes with different letters

World Literacy Day: information stand in Weserpark

September 8th offers an opportunity to focus on people who cannot read and write or cannot read and write sufficiently: In Germany, this affects 6.2 million people aged 18-64. Although they can read and write words or short sentences, they have difficulty understanding coherent text. These include, for example, work instructions, leaflets, recipes, timetables or letters from authorities. They are often faced with major challenges in their private and professional lives.

draw attention to the situation of people with poor reading and writing skills World Literacy Day , Bremen and Bremerhaven actors have joined forces and planned various actions around the topic of reading and writing: from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m Visitors to Weserpark take part in a quiz, make bookmarks with their children, feel letters or find out about the language learning options in the state of Bremen.

The Basic Education and Literacy Service Center (at the Ev. Bildungswerk Bremen), Bremen Adult Education Center, Stadtbibliothek Bremen and Diakonie Bremen will be present, among others.

Friday, September 8th, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Weserpark

July 24, 2023