The newly opened district library in Vegesack

Vegesack district library reopened

After more than 15 months, during which its building on Aumunder Heerweg was extensively renovated, the Vegesack district library has now moved back to its home location. The library is currently open for borrowing and returning. “We will offer our entire service, opportunities for staying, learning or even events as soon as the pandemic allows it again,” explains library manager Martin Renz.

Since the gardening work has not yet been completed, there is still a construction fence in front of the library. “It’s supposed to protect the freshly sown lawn,” explains Renz. “Our users shouldn’t let this put them off! Definitely worth a visit. The library has become really nice.”

With the reopening, the following Corona opening times now apply: Monday, Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

March 21, 2021