Portrait of Tom Alex

Writing workshop for young people

The North Bremen author Thomas Roth-Berghofer writes young adult and all-ages novels under the pseudonym Thomas Alex. He is now once again offering a writing workshop for young people in the Vegesack district library.

What is it about?

In a two and a half hour workshop you will discuss how to describe sensory impressions and what influence these descriptions have on experiencing a story. How many impressions should there actually be in a scene? What does this depend on? But above all, there is writing. In the workshop, everyone should write scenes themselves - whether for a spontaneously invented story or for a story that is already being worked on.

What do I have to bring?

A pen, a writing pad and lots of fun telling stories.

How can I sign up?

Contact the library in person, by phone on 0421 361 7244 or by email to vegesack@stabi-hb.de

When does the workshop take place?

It starts as soon as at least four interested people have registered. We then look for a date that suits everyone involved.

Locations: Vegesack
February 14, 2024