A wheelchair user rides up the ramp to the library entrance

Open Library now also in Vegesack

In Vegesack, the door to our library now also opens outside of regular opening hours. Open Library is the name of the concept that we have been successfully implementing in the Vahr district library since 2019 and are now also offering in the north of Bremen.

Customers aged 18 and can scan their BIB CARD at an access terminal at the entrance door and enter the library during the additional opening hours. During the open library times you can use the library self-service: media can be borrowed and returned, computer workstations can be used, customers can use the library to read, study or play.

Shortly before the end of the Open Library hours, customers will be asked to leave the library by automatic loudspeaker announcements. Some time after the open library times, the lighting is automatically switched off, the entrance door is automatically locked and the alarm system is activated.

Initially, the open library offer available
  on Mondays , Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. A near-term expansion of the offering is planned.

May 27, 2023