New round of the book baby set starts

New surprise packages for Bremen families during U6 examinations

“Reading aloud is good and makes everyday family life colorful” is the motto of the Bremen
Book Baby campaign. The Stadtbibliothek Bremen the project in 2008.
Since then, Bremen families have received a
surprise package from their pediatrician during the U6 examination.
With the AOK, the NORDMETALL Foundation as a new sponsor and the continued financial support of the Sparkasse Bremen and the Bremen
Children and Youth Foundation, the new set now consists of a bag that
contains many small surprises to promote family reading.
January 24th, Barbara Lison (Director of the
Stadtbibliothek Bremen ), Kirsten Wagner
(NORDMETALL Foundation), Britta Hickstein (Sparkasse
Bremen), Hans-Günter Schwalm (Bremen Children and
Youth Foundation) and Heike Weber (Werkstatt Bremen /
Martinshof) gave the starting signal for the next round of the book baby round in the
printing shop of the Bremen workshop, which
has been making the bags for the campaign for years.

The book baby bag offers the perfect impetus for discovering the
books together: the book start brochure gives parents tips on reading aloud and presents
songs and finger games.
These suggestions can then be implemented immediately when you look at the AOK Jolinchen cardboard picture book together.
Once the child and parents get the taste, the
Stadtbibliothek Bremen used, which allows a parent to use the Stadtbibliothek 6
months and ensure continuous supplies.
In addition, the small package contains an invitation to the
“Poems for Wights” groups offered by the Stadtbibliothek , in which parents
and their children get to know new songs, finger games and board picture books
The campaign is flanked by the popular library raven Kessi, who is not only emblazoned on the fabric bag, but also on the included bib, which
whets the appetite for new reading material.

With this campaign, the Stadtbibliothek Bremen together with the Sparkasse, the
AOK, the Bremen Children and Youth Foundation and the NORDMETALL Foundation,
like to make all parents aware at an early stage of the importance of promoting reading in the family
and provide initial assistance.

January 25, 2017