Portrait Patricia Brandt
© Julia Weil

Literature night “Bremen reads”

7th Literature Night is coming up in Bremen on September 6th . At “Bremen Reads” you can spend an evening wandering from bookstore to bookstore, from stories to poems, from illustrations to illusions at a total of 20 locations.

Events in the libraries

The Stadtbibliothek Bremen opens its doors to adults and children at three locations. The Bremen crime author Patricia Brandt comes to the Lesum library and brings her new coastal crime novel Flounder Conspiracy with her.

We are also looking forward to Hendrik Lambertus , who is coming to Huchting for a double reading. The fantasy author reads from his children's book “Magic Academy Seven Star” for children ages 8 and up. Adults can look forward to a reading from the historical novel “Fire and Ore”.

Music meets literature in the central library. In cooperation with the Bremen Philharmonic, the author Johanna Lindemann her children's book “Abholt” to life. A very special reading for the whole family.

Find out more about Bremen

August 29, 2024