Reading for children in the Horner Bad

Literature and outdoor swimming pools don't go together? But sure! In this new series of events, great authors come directly to your swimming pool for an outdoor reading!  

children's and young adult book author Will Gmehling will kick things off on August 3rd . In the Horner Bad he reads aloud from his book “Freibad – an entire summer under the sky”. There will also be great hands-on activities from the Stadtbibliothek !

Because the Bukowski siblings saved a toddler from drowning in the indoor swimming pool, they were famous for a few days. But greater than the fame is the ticket to the outdoor pool that they get for their heroic deed: free entry to a long summer that will be special for everyone! Alf is ten, his thoughts revolve around changing schools after the holidays, the lifeguard's beautiful daughter and his self-imposed goal: jumping from the ten-meter tower. His 8-year-old sister Katinka, snotty and fearless, loves Paris, learns French on the meadow and trains for 20 lengths of free crawl in a row. Robbie, the youngest and star of the family, is different from other children; he hardly speaks and dreams a lot. Alf and Katinka think he should finally learn to swim properly.

Will Gmehling tells us with humor and a lot of feeling how the summer in the swimming pool makes the Bukowski children grow, how they boldly push their limits and daringly go beyond them - not just in the swimming pool. And his story is always wafted with that happy scent of water on hot stones, chlorine and chips with mayo...

WHEN: August 3, 2024, 3:30 p.m.
WHERE: Horner Bad (Vorstraße 75, 28359 Bremen)

From 2:30 p.m. you can visit us at our stand with great games and hands-on activities.

Entrance to the swimming pool costs 1 euro for children. The FreeCard for children and young people can be used to pay.

An event in cooperation with the Bremen Baths, the Literaturhaus Bremen and the DLRG. 

June 10, 2024