A poster with a Parship advertisement and a speech bubble: "If I register there, I have to write to someone. I can leave it at that."
Federal Association for Literacy and Basic Education

Living environments with reading and writing problems

The exhibition can be visited Stadtbibliothek Bremen - Lesum, during opening hours

Over six million adults in Germany have such great difficulty reading and writing that they cannot fully participate in social life. They are considered to be poorly literate. This does not mean that they are illiterate, but rather that they have difficulty grasping the information content of texts.

Difficulties with written language represent major challenges and hurdles for those affected, both in private and professional contexts. Many people with reading and writing problems hide their difficulties. They fear being exposed or losing their jobs. For them this means: Don't stand out so that they don't risk their education, friendships or even their relationship. Low literacy continues to be a taboo topic in many areas of our society and the level of information about it in the public is too low. The exhibition raises awareness of the difficulties that those affected face in everyday life. Everyday challenges for those with low literacy are shown; the image motifs were coordinated with several people affected.


The exhibition is presented in cooperation with the “Basic Education and Literacy Service Center” project in Bremen. The project is funded by the Senator for Labor, Social Affairs, Youth and Integration with funds from the state and the European Social Fund Plus. The exhibition is shown as part of the action weeks against exclusion and discrimination in Bremen-Nord and the Sustainability Days.

Conception of the exhibition: Federal Association for Literacy and Basic Education Photos: Simon Voß.

Locations: Lesum
July 19, 2024