The poster announcing the event shows a child lying on a globe.

Children's rights in focus

Every year on September 20th we celebrate World Children's Day in Germany. On this occasion, the team from the Bremen Youth and Children's Rights Office will be providing information about the topic of children's rights on the Gröpelingen library square. Children, young people and interested adults are invited to come along to find out more about the topic. We present suitable books. There will also be ice cream from the GutesEis company. The afternoon of action starts at 3:30 p.m.  

On one day a year, 145 countries around the world draw special attention to the situation of children and focus on the issue of children's rights. This year, World Children's Day has the motto “Children's Rights Now!”. In Germany, World Children's Day is even a public holiday - but so far only in the state of Thuringia.  

August 14, 2021