A woman scans a Bibcard at the Open Library Terminal

Extension of opening hours in the Vahr

More time to browse and learn: In the Vahr district library you can now use the open library until 9 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. as before. In addition, the offer can now be used by everyone aged 16 and over.  

How does Open Library work? 

Using your BIB CARD as a key, you can open the library door yourself at the terminal at the entrance. The terminal checks the BIB CARD for validity and your age. You can then use the library as usual: customer catalogs, computer workstations with Internet, WiFi and the option to return and borrow media are available for you. Staff will not be on site during this time.

>> The opening times in the Vahr at a glance
>> Open Library – now also in Vegesack

July 14, 2023