Code Week Flyer

Discover our Code Week program

Building robots, designing computer games or developing apps – is that just for nerds and geeks? Not anymore. From October 7th to 22nd, at Code Week, children and young people can immerse themselves in digital worlds and tinker, hack and experiment together in exciting workshops.

Workshops in the Stadtbibliothek 

During Code Week, 16 workshops and hands-on activities for tinkering enthusiasts ages 4 and up will take place in our libraries.
Among other things, you can get to know the world of programming with Swift, build your own drawing machine or design riso prints. And if you can't find what you're looking for in our program, you have the opportunity to choose from many other Code Week Bremen offers.

Code Week takes place across Europe from October 7th to 22nd. European Code Week was launched in 2013 - since then the movement has been supported by volunteers. It is supported by the European Commission and in Germany by a team of volunteer ambassadors (Code Week Germany).  

>> Overview of the Stadtbibliothek
>> Overview of the entire Code Week Bremen program

September 4, 2023