Bremen Literature Prize awarded

The Bremen Literature Prize 2017 was awarded to Terézia Mora this Monday (January 23, 2017) at
a ceremony in the Upper Town Hall.
The author receives the award, worth 25,000 euros, for her
volume of short stories “Love Among Aliens”, published by Luchterhand Literaturverlag in 2016.
“A superbly composed collection of stories,” praised jury member Dr.
Roman Bucheli praised the award-winning work in his laudatory speech.

the sponsorship prize worth 6,000 euros and
financed by the ÖVB - Public Insurance Bremen -
for his novel "Before the Increase of Signs", which was published last year by S. Fischer Verlag Dr. Lothar Müller, chairman of the jury for the Bremen Literature Prize
, said in his laudatory speech that the award winner
had enriched contemporary German literature with his award-winning book.

The Senator for Culture, Mayor Dr. Carsten Sieling ,
emphasized in his speech that both prize winners
drew attention to the importance of language as a means of knowledge and dialogue in their works.
This is very important at a time when political disputes are sometimes
aimed more at denigration than at discourse.

The awards were presented
by the managing director of the Rudolf Alexander Schröder Foundation, Barbara
Lison .
The event was accompanied by music by Heidi Luosujärvi. The musical contribution was made with the kind support of jazzahead!

Terézia Mora was born in Sopron, Hungary in 1971.
She has lived in Berlin since 1990 and is one of the most important German-speaking authors.
She received the German Book Prize in 2013
for already caused a sensation in 1999 with her literary debut, the collection of short stories “Strange Matter”
For these stories she was awarded the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize, among others .
Terézia Mora is also one of the most renowned Hungarian translators.

Senthuran Varatharajah , born in
Sri Lanka in 1984, studied philosophy, theology and cultural studies in Marburg,
Berlin and London.
In 2014 - without having published anything before - he took part in the 38th Days of German-Language Literature and received the 3Sat Prize.
Senthuran Varatharajah lives in Berlin.

Photo: Victor Ströver

Further information about the Bremen Literature Prize can be found external link here

January 24, 2017