Visit from the European Parliament to the Stadtbibliothek Bremen

On Friday, March 10th, the Polish MEP, Prof. Zdzisław Krasnodębski, visited the headquarters of the Stadtbibliothek Bremen . The director of the Stadtbibliothek , Barbara Lison, welcomed him there. Prof. Krasnodębski, who also has a professorship at the University of Bremen, wanted to find out about the wide range of services offered by a modern Stadtbibliothek . He was impressed by the large number of visitors of all ages and from many countries. The effect of a library as a place for learning and communication was particularly important to him. He paid careful attention to the fact that there were many learning tandems in the library where people from Bremen communicated and learned together with refugees. Prof. Krasnodębski is a member of the EU Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, a deputy member of the Committee on Culture and Education and the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, among others. In these functions he is also responsible for library matters relevant to Europe.

February 13, 2017