Barbara Lison

Barbara Lison new president of the World Library Association

Our director Barbara Lison took over the presidency of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) at the end of August. Over the next two years, Lison, who has served as senior library director since 1992, will work to develop a sustainable future in line with IFLA's 2030 Agenda.

This is about designing democratic processes and free access to information in libraries.
The projects during her term as association president also include reforming the IFLA structures and adapting copyright law to digital transformation.

Bremen's Senator for Culture, Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte, congratulates Lison on the election: “I am happy for Barbara Lison and am convinced that she will tackle the associated high-profile tasks with Fortune. The wealth of experience she has gained over many years in German and European library organizations as well as in the IFLA will help her. Bremen now has another cultural ambassador on the international stage.”

July 31, 2021