Media boxes for daycare groups

A box full of books as an illustration

Thematic media boxes

We put together media boxes individually according to your wishes. Whether current picture books to read aloud in daycare or on project topics such as seasons, feelings and much more. You tell us your desired topic and we will put together a varied media box for you, including radio plays, picture cards for the Kamishibai and much more. Please register your request with your library at least one week in advance.

Discovery boxes

In addition to thematically compiled books, discovery boxes also contain game materials on a topic. They can be borrowed from daycare centers upon request in order to work playfully on the topic with the children in the facility. In addition, in each box you will find educational information on how to use the materials and the hand puppet of the library raven Kessi.

Our discovery boxes are available on the following topics: sensory development, literacy - telling stories with children, numeracy - early mathematical support.

