BIBCARD subscription

Man with Bibcard

Did you know that you can also conveniently pay your annual salary by direct debit? ARD makes this possible . With the ABO-BIB CAR D you can enjoy full media enjoyment without interruption - the validity of your BIBC ARD is automatically extended. The art loan is free of charge for you. This way you save 10 euros every year.

Depending on the age group you pay for your ABO-BIBC
ARD : 18-27 years: 13 euros
28-64 years: 22 euros
65 years and over: 13 euros

CARD in our libraries . Please bring your valid ID card with you when registering. If you already have a BIB CARD , you can easily switch to the ABO-BIB CARD . no longer need the ABO-BIB CARD It is important that your cancellation is made in writing and received by us no later than 6 weeks before the end of the paid period of use.

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