Portrait Mick Prinz

»Toxic Gaming – Strategies against racism and hate in gaming«


A loud minority of toxic and right-wing extremist actors are trying to get involved in the gaming world. Existing discourses in the gaming world are exploited, propaganda games are developed and poorly moderated platforms are used to spread racist and anti-Semitic narratives. In this interactive lecture, the strategies of the extreme right in gaming will be examined and together we will consider how players can defend themselves against them. At the same time, the medium of games is being discussed: How political are video games? Where are there examples of successful and where of less successful political participation and what is actually being talked about in the communities?

Mick Prinz is a social scientist, leads the Good Gaming – Well Played Democracy project of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and deals with the opportunities and challenges of the gaming world.

An event as part of the state action plan against racism and as a contribution to the Bremen and Bremerhaven Integration Weeks 2024. An event by the Staff Department for Integration Policy (SASJI) in cooperation with the Stadtbibliothek Bremen .

This project is funded by the Senator for Labor, Social Affairs, Youth and Integration with funds from the state and the European Social Fund Plus.

Please register here!

Where and when

November 5th, 2024 from 7:00 p.m
Central Library
Wall Hall (access outside via Am Wall)

Free event

#adults #lecture