The picture shows the children the film is about.

»You submit and make something of it! – Film premiere by Agnes Kondering«


On Friday, October 25, 2024, the new work by Grohner filmmaker Agnes Kondering will celebrate its premiere in the Stadtbibliothek Bremen . In “You submit and make something of it!” Pastor Gerhart Dobusch's children remember the last months of World War II and the post-war period.

Angeli Antpöhler from Bremen-Nord is the eldest daughter of Gerhart Dobusch (born 1905) and his wife Käthe (born 1909). The family had lived in Waldsieversdorf, a small residential suburb east of Berlin, since 1934. Käthe Dobusch gave birth to eight children between 1932 and 1945. In many interviews, the five still living Dobusch children Angeli, Traugott, Evi, Reni and Volker also remember the three deceased siblings Moni, Christian and Gerhart-Ludwig. In the film, Agnes Kondering documents her answers to the questions: How did you experience your childhood during the last months of the war, your father and his decision to go to war in January 1945, the loss of your father, the escape, the destruction of your parents' home, experienced starvation? What impact do these experiences have on your later life?

The number of places is limited. Please register in advance at the library by calling 0421 / 361 7244 or sending an email to

Where and when

October 25th, 2024 from 6:30 p.m

Free event