Photo portrait of Christian Bergmann, Lynda Anne Cortis and Jeff Hemmer.

"The Spooky Library"


In Haruki Murakami's story “The Uncanny Library,” a boy is led into an underground labyrinth by an old librarian. We experience the rooms that the protagonist visits and in which he meets a sheepman and a girl as dark and mystical. Murakami uses hard poetry to describe feelings in a Kafkaesque way, alienates the familiar and takes the listener out of his passive comfort zone.

The production brings reality and fantasy together by fusing elements of theater, music, comics and digital animation. Fairytale-like, mysterious with a touch of horror, the actor Christian Bergmann , the musician Lynda Anne Cortis and the comic artist Jeff Hemmer on different narrative levels with the short story.

The event takes place as part of Library Day .

Please register here!

Where and when

October 24, 2024 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m
Central Library
Wall Hall (access outside via Am Wall)

Free event

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