© Ezzelino von Wedel

“The Costa Amalfitana” – DIG reading at the book fair with Prof. Dr. Dieter Richter


Conversation and reading with Prof. Dr. Dieter Richter, German scholar, cultural scientist and Italy expert. – Yesterday, October 20th, the book fair in Frankfurt came to an end. This year's guest country was Italy with authors, discussions and new publications from and about Italy. The Bremen scientist Professor Dieter Richter , author of numerous books about Italy and the South, about Goethe in Naples, Fontane in Italy, about Capri and about the culinary history of the longing for Italy, presented a very special one about the Amalfi Coast: Richter has a considerable part spent his life in southern Italy, researching, teaching and writing there and is even an honorary citizen of the city of Amalfi. In 2006 he brought an impressive exhibition about Herculaneum near Naples to Bremen, about the once sophisticated coastal city on the Gulf of Naples, which was completely buried after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79.

Richter now knows every corner of the Costiera, he has listened to the residents and researched their recipes, customs and history. Despite the inhospitable rocks, the first settlers settled here in ancient times. And since the Romantic era, Amalfitana has attracted artists and writers such as Karl Friedrich Schinkel, William Turner, Max Pechstein and Walter Benjamin. No other region was painted and written about more often. In the middle of the 20th century it became a refuge for those persecuted by the Nazi regime.

About the book: A collection of “bizarre discoveries, anecdotes and clever reflections on space, culture and identity using the example of the vertical places Positano, Amalfi, Ravello,” praises FAZ reviewer Thomas Hauschild. Dieter Richter will present his history & stories about the Amalfi Coast to our audience. It will be moderated by Ulrike Petzold, journalist and board member of the German-Italian Society in Bremen.

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Organizer: German-Italian Society, in cooperation with the Stadtbibliothek Bremen .

Book table: Sattler bookstore

Where and when

October 21, 2024 from 7:00 p.m
Central Library
Wall Hall (access from outside via Am Wall)

Free event

#Adult #Reading